John was very much into trying to find ways to turn the world around. Be it to end world hunger, giving us more trees to save our planet ( Mother Earth).Saving our great whales. Saving all animals to be truthful. He Co- Founded the Windstar Foundation with Tom Crum. Windstar was about learning to go back to the basics. And getting in touch with ones self. John started Plant-It-2000. He was active in the Wild Life Foundation. He was active in the Cousteau Society. John was a co-founder of the Hunger Project. We now have Adopt-a-Highway. You can see friends (fans) of John Denver walking along Highways picking up trash. You see we all know it is up to us now to carry on what John started. I have tryed to  start a program here in my state but to this date  the answer is no not yet :-( this makes me very sad.
You will find a list of links below to the above programs.Ones we can use to make a difference. Please even if you think you can not make a difference  go to these sites. As we all can do our bit.

Foundations & Environmental Links
Windstar Land Conservancy S.M.CO.

Hunger Project

Plant-It- 2000

Aki Works ( Tom Crum)

Adopt a Tree

Cousteau Society

Rocky Mountain Institute

Whale Adoption Project Home

Greenpeace Foundation ,Save the Whales Save the Earth!

Adopt A Whale

National Wildlife Institue

National Arbor Day Foundation

 Whales on the Net - Action Alerts

Save the Dolphins

Save the Dolphins2

Friends of the Ocean

Adopt a Dolphin

Yellowstone Wolf Tracker

Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife -- Adopt a Wolf

North American Wolf Association